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I haven't blogged in quite a while, but I have had a few friends tell me that they think I should blog again. I don't know, I feel as though my life is quite boring and my writings not far from that. So, I suppose that if you wish to follow my blogs, pretty much all you will read are things that I write that have either blessed me or I have learned through out life. No, these blogs will not always be happy, fun and amazing! There will be messy, broken and destroyed. But that is life right? Life is messy and beautiful; full of pain but also full of joy! Disappointment happens, but that is ok! It's life. Jesus likes to use the things we deem bad, hurtful, and not ok to ultimately draw us closer to himself. But that will only happen if we keep our eyes focused on him and are trust placed in him. When our faith, focus, and trust is misplaced, we don't see suffering as a blessing but rather as a curse. What have I been up too? Well, I started college and I am still workin...