Will You Be Interrupted?

So recently my life has been interrupted by the divine love, grace and mercy of Jesus.
I experienced Him in a deeper way and have had a deeper revelation of who He is.

Let me just share a little bit of what I've been learning lately.

So, many Christians today have the mentality that they will just become a professional Christian, do the right things, say the right words, go to church every Sunday etc.
But we are called to be followers of Christ. And to be followers of Christ means exactly that! The word Christian means, "to be like Christ". And what did Christ do? He walked the earth being a servant. He was interrupted by many people who asked Him for healing, compassion and so many things.
Jesus didn't just pass them by. He stopped. He healed. He loved. He showed compassion. He showed grace. He wept.
How often do we do this today?
And if we're all completely honest, not nearly enough.

We all know the story of the Good Samaritan, right? If you don't I would encourage you to check it out in Luke 10:30.
Sometimes we think that we are the Samaritan. We travel from one place to another place, conference to conference, church to church, or where ever it is we may be going to. My question is are you actually the Samaritan, the Priest or the Levite? They weren't bad people, they were good religious people. But they were so busy going to their next "religious" activity or service, that they walked right by the very people they were sent to reach. They saw that man as in interruption to them, to their ministry rather than the object of their ministry.
So my question is "what are you going to do? Are you going to walk across the street? Or will you get involved? Will you keep going to your next youth event, church activity, volleyball game or whatever it is you have scheduled in your life. Or will you stop and take time for that person sitting alone, for the kid who's constantly bullied, for the person sitting in the back of the church, for the person who feels like she/he doesn't fit in, for the person who is depressed, and I could go on and on.

When divine interruption happens, lives are transformed.

Compassion is never compassion until you go across the street and do something now.
Compassion is never compassion until you actively get involved and allow yourself to get interrupted.
Jesus was willing to be interrupted and brought healing and restoration.
Heaven was interrupted to send Jesus from heaven to earth for each one of us.
How can we walk on by when Jesus didn't walk by?

Jesus rescued us so that we can arise and reach back and rescue others. Not just so that we could have a little "Christian Bless Me Club" but so that we can make a difference in this dark world.

When you let your life be interrupted and you get to show that person Jesus and His love, grace and mercy, you help change a life and that life can be transformed! Not only does it transform the person's life but it transforms you too.

So will you let your life be interrupted?

Will you stand with thousands of other young people who want their lives to be interrupted by God? And who also want to be transformed by God. And live life only for the glory and honor of Jesus? Are you willing?


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