
Winter. Spring. Summer. Fall.
These are season. 
And just like these seasons, whether they are cold, warm or hot, we have seasons in our lives.
You might be going through an incredibly amazing season in your life right now, or maybe it's a season you'd rather not be going through. Whatever it is, we've all been there, right?! Don't say no because then you would be lying! :)

SometimeS God takes us through these seasons so that we learn to rediscover who He is.

I've noticed that when life is incredibly awesome and joyful, I can quickly lose sight of what's important. [God]. 
You might be like, how is that possible? 
I would tell you this. Short. Simple. Reply.
When life is comfortable, I tend to relax and sit back. I start taking God for granted. 
What do I mean by that?
Like, I know who God is, and I know what He's done for me. But I start to think life is good (which it is by the way) and I don't prepare myself for attacks from the enemy [satan].
It's easy to think that "yes, I can handle whatever comes my way, good or bad".
And then low and behold, darts are being hurled and from all directions. It may seem like they came from absolutely nowhere!! And we can ask the question, "why is this happening"?  And all of a sudden, we can't take it. We fight. But we grow weary. We end up in the pit of despair. But. But. Wait. Before you start wondering how this happened? Think about it. 
We become so comfortable in our life and think nothing can stop us from God. Nothing can. So true! But when we are in this comfortable zone, we start to miss things. We start to rely a little bit on our own strength. And we become oblivious to what all is going on around us. Satan knows this. He watches us like a hawk. When we are in this comfortable zone we become weak in certain little areas. And as satan is watching us, he sees a weak spot and jumps on it. And just like that, we crumble. 
I believe God lets those moment happen so that we learn to rediscover who He is. 

God is a jealous God and loves us so incredibly much! And I think when He sees us just going with the flow, it breaks His heart. 

If you are going through a season in your life you wish you wouldn't be in, embrace it. Seek God. Stay close to Him. Keep Him in your sights. 
If you feel far from God, rediscover who He is.
And If you are going through an incredible season of joy, embrace it and rejoice in it!
Remember, Seasons change. They don't last forever. They do change.
Don't faint and grow weary. Because when we are weak is when we are the strongest. In Christ only.


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