
Lately I've been thinking about the slavery that exists here in the States.

Yes, in todays world, slavery still exists!

What is slavery, you may ask?

Slavery occurs when one person completely controls another person, using violence or the threat of violence to maintain that control, exploits them economically, pays them nothing and they cannot walk away.

So i decided to write a little bit about it.

A few X Slavery facts X

Slavery occurs where one person exercises the 'right' of ownership over a person.

They are held against their will often under the threat of violence. Physical, emotional, and mental abuse is often part of their enslavement.

Slavery still exists. It 's estimated that there are anything between 10 million and 27 million slaves in the world today.

The reason for this broad range is that those people being counted are largely a 'hidden' population.

It is estimated that human trafficking alone generates annual profits of around $32 billion.

The majority of trafficking victims are between the age of 18-24 years of age.

In 1850, the cost of a slave (in today's dollars) was $40,000, the avg. price of a slave today is $90.

The victims most vulnerable are women and children. Children in particular are sold, bonded, trafficked, subject commercial sexual exploitation, recruited into armed conflicts and forced to work as domestic workers.

Several factors contribute to the persistence of slavery practices despite it being illegal in most countries, most significantly, poverty, the lack of enforcement of anti-slavery laws, and crime and corruption, including at the state level.

Slavery has various forms today including human trafficking, forced labour, descent-based slavery, bonded labour and child labour.

Other less know forms of slavery include domestic servitude, forced marriage and those traded for the purpose of organ removal.

You may be wondering, what exactly is Bonded labor, forced labor or human trafficking? Or what does it include?

Types of Slavery

Bonded Labor ...

Bonded labor is one of the most widely used methods of slavery. A person becomes a bonded laborer when their labor is as a means of payment for a loan. Extreme cases of bonded labors have been recorded in Pakistan where labourers where found chained together and under armed guard. Bonded laborers can include whole families such as is the case in India and Nepal, migrant agricultural workers in Brazil or women 'exported' to Europe as domestic workers or into sexual slavery.

Forced Labor ...

Forced labor is any work or services which people are forced to do, against their own will under threat of some form of punishment. Forced labor is found is most frequently found in labor intensive, under regulated industries such as agricultural, fishing, domestic work, construction, mining, quarrying, manufacturing, prostitution, and sexual exploitation. Children below the age of 18 years represent 40% to 50% of all forced labor. 80% of all people trafficked into forced labor both for economic and sexual exploitation are women and girls. In the majority of case forced labor is used by private individuals or and facilitated by private agents. However in some instances, the State or the military are directly responsible for forced labour as is the case in countries like Burma, North Korea, China and Uganda. 

Human Trafficking ...

Trafficking involves transporting people away from communities in which they live and forcing them to work against their will using violence, deception or coercion. Human trafficking is tied with illegal arms industry ad the second largest international criminal industry in the world and it is the fastest growing. Between 600,000 and 800,000 people are trafficked internationally every year. As many as 17,500 people are trafficked into the United States annually. Atlanta is the major hub of human trafficking and ranked the top 14 cities in the United States for the highest incidence of children used in prostitution.

Every minute of every day, 2 children, children who should be playing and learning and enjoying the most precious part of their lives, are sold into slavery.

So this is what I have been thinking about....and will be a voice for these that do not have a voice.


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